Cure For Acidity and Gas Problems

Cure For Acidity and Gas Problems

By: Mark Monteiro

An imbalance in acid secreting process of stomach and intestine causes acidity. Stomach, its digestive glands and intestines secret acid and enzymes which help in breaking food. When acid production by these glands increases, the result is acidity. The symptoms are: Nausea, passing gas, burping and sharp pain or burning sensation in the abdomen, sometimes vomiting, bloating and belching. Cure for acidity and gas problems rarely need medical assistance. Most of the times they are cured by home remedies. 

Threats of excessive gas in body

Heart problems
Ulcers in stomach
Arthritis when gas flows through joints
Digestive system disorder           
Home remedies to cure acidity and gas problems

Amla juice with sugar and water, eating phalsa(a fruit) or yogurt, eating a little jaggery after meals(it prevents acid formation),drinking coconut water or cold milk or soda, eating grated or crushed ginger with coriander or white vinegar, eating banana with sugar and cardamom powder, boiled and roasted potato with meals reduces acidity problem as it consists potassium that restricts acidity, eating carrots, watermelon and cloves, chewing basil (tulsi) leaves, bottle gourd juice, add garlic to food

What to avoid?

Eating vegetables like radish, onion, tea, spicy, fried, heavy to digest foods, pickles, unripe fruits, smoking as smokers pull in more air which is swallowed, staying hungry for hours, drinking alcohol, junk food 

What improves digestion and reduces acidity?

Hot water with lemon before meals works for good digestion
Mint juice or honey with apple cider vinegar before meals reduces acidity
Mausambi,carrot,cucumber,pumpkin,lemon, juices should be made a part of  diet
Drink ample amount of water through the day, it flushes out toxins from the body
Treatment with nature’s help

Aloevera: Mix a dish of aloevera after roasting it in a little ghee and have it once or twice a week with meals. Good in chronic gas trouble and abdomen distensions,
Orange juice with roasted cumin seeds,
Having a glass of water with a teaspoon of powdered amla in it, powdered amla can also be eaten
Saunf or aniseeds: Add 1 teaspoon of aniseeds to a cup of boiled water. Leave it overnight. In the morning, strain the water and add a spoon of honey to it. Take it thrice daily. It prevents acidity.
Water: Boil some cumin seeds in a glass of water and drink it with meals. It is good for curing acidity
Milk and milk products: Having chilled milk helps in keeping acidity and gas away. Butter-milk with 3-4 pinches of black pepper powder or cumin seed powder (in the same quantity) for quick result can also be taken.
Cococnut:Chew coconut or simply drink its water
Radish juice: Though eating Radish should be avoided, drinking its juice mixed with powdered sugar cures sour burps caused by heat.
 Treatment with Homeopathy

Homeopathy is the safest form of treatment for certain ailments. Acidity and gas problems are among those ailments.

Carbo vegetablis: It treats acute gastrics.It is also known as Carbo veg.
Natrum carb: It treats hyperacidity.
Lycopodium30: It relieves from gas problems.
It must be remembered that self-medication should be avoided and the medications mentioned above must not be taken without the physician’s consultance.

Ayurvedic treatment

Minty capsules: These can be taken twice a day with water.
Amla capsules: They help in relieving the acidity and gas problem.
Acigon: It can be taken twice or thrice daily. 
Please note that these medicines should be taken only under physician’s guidance.

Allopathic treatment

Digene (available in form of chewable tablets and syrup), antacid, charcocaps

Please be careful enough to avoid self medication regarding these medicines. 

Yoga asanas or postures for acidity and gas problems

1.      Makarasana or Crocodile pose: It helps in improving digestion

2.      Vajrasan or Thunderbolt pose or Diamond pose: It promotes good digestion and prevents acidity and gas trouble.

3.      Pawanmuktasan or Wind relieving pose: It relieves excess gas from the system and treats chronic acidity. It should not be done by pregnant women, people having weak backs or spinal problems. 

Having gas is uncomfortable and embarrassing at times. Though every individual carries it and expels it through the day but when it is expelled more than usual or causes pain, care must be taken to get rid of it. Cure for acidity and gas problems is maximum times, present at home. Home remedies have worked wonders for acidity and gas problems. If any of the given remedy is put into practice, acidity and gas problems would dare not reside in the body any more.

About the Author
 Dr. Mark Monteiro is graduated from the Hazard University and done his MBA from the he University Of Illinois College Of Medicine. Currently he is working as general physician at Elmhurst Loyola Center for Health. For over 15 years he has been a pioneer in the field of physician health. He has contributed to the treatment of many diseases like- ASTHMA, TUBERCULOSIS, HIV, HEPATITIS AND ITS TREATMENT.

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